On Saturday, December 2nd, Main Street will be closed from 5:45pm to 6:45pm for the 5th annual Reindeer Fun Run. The closure will impact Main Street from the Civic Marina to Spur Street.
Interested in joining the fun? Visit Festivals of Mahone Bay. On October 26, 2023 Mahone Bay Town Council gave First Reading to the new Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy.
The new Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy will replace the existing documents and regulate land use activities across the Town. A Public Hearing will be held on December 5, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Mahone Bay Legion, located at 21 Pond Street in Mahone Bay, to receive written and verbal submissions from the public on the proposed Bylaw and Strategy. Copies of the proposed Bylaw and Strategy are available on the project website at planmahonebay.ca. Physical copies are available upon request at Town Hall (493 Main Street) during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Any questions or written submissions should be directed to Kelly Munroe, Town Clerk, by email: [email protected] or by calling (902) 624-8327. The Town of Mahone Bay is seeking volunteers to be the frontline staff for the Comfort Centre at the Mahone bay and District Fire Department at 41 Hawthorn Road.
A Comfort Centre is a place where people can go for warming, cooling, electricity, washroom and other amenities during an emergency situation. Before completing this volunteer application, please read the Town of Mahone Bay Comfort Centre Operating Procedures, https://www.townofmahonebay.ca/emergency-services.html. The application can be found here, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SJKJ32F. If you have any questions, please contact Eric J. Levy at [email protected]. Town Hall staff are now accepting donations for the Mahone Bay Food Bank.
Please consider a donation of one or more of the following: shampoo, deodorant (men’s and women’s), disposable razors (men’s and women’s), shaving gel/cream, after shave, hand soap, toilet paper, paper towels, women’s feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash Or non-perishable food items such as: canned fruit, canned veggies, canned tomatoes, juice, hot chocolate, instant coffee, canned milk, tea bags, cheese whiz, jam, mayonnaise, cereal, instant oatmeal, rice, fresh apples, mac & cheese, dry pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats (chicken, turkey, ham), canned tuna , granola bars, cups of fruit, pudding cups, canned soups. Please drop off your donation by December 8th. Thank you Mahone Bay!! We are looking for three interested residents to serve on our new Council Remuneration Committee. To learn more visit https://www.townofmahonebay.ca/committees.html The Fact Sheets for the Plan Mahone Bay review of the Town's Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy have been updated to reflect the changes that have been made since the last public draft.
An additional Fact Sheet has been created to provide clarity about the updates that have been made to the documents since the last round of public engagement. There are 8 Fact Sheets that cover the following: 1. General Information about Plan Mahone Bay 2. Housing 3. Environment 4. Architecture & Heritage 5. Agriculture 6. Commercial Land Uses 7. Subdivision 8. Summary of Changes You can view the updated Fact Sheets at planmahonebay.ca/documents You’re invited to a bright event!
The Town of Mahone Bay is holding a Community Solar Garden Open House at the Mahone Bay Firehall, 41 Hawthorn Road, on Monday December 11th from 5-8pm. We invite you to drop in during that time! If you have any questions about the solar garden that you would like to have answered, send them along to [email protected], so that we can have answers for you by the time of the open house. The Town's water utility will be conducting their annual fall water main flushing next week, Tuesday night and Wednesday night. To read the full notice and see what to do before and after the flushing, visit https://www.townofmahonebay.ca/water--wastewater.html
On October 26, 2023 Mahone Bay Town Council gave first reading to the new Land Use By-law & Municipal Planning Strategy. The new Land Use Bylaw & Municipal Planning Strategy will replace the existing documents and regulate land use activities across the Town. A public hearing will be held on December 5, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Mahone Bay Legion, located at 21 Pond Street in Mahone Bay, to receive written and verbal submissions from the public on the proposed by-law and strategy. The Land Use By-law & Municipal Planning Strategy will be considered for 2nd reading and adoption at a meeting of Town Council on December 12, 2023. Copies of the by-law are available for viewing at www.planmahonebay.ca. Physical copies are available at Town Hall upon request during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm. Any questions or written submissions should be directed to Kelly Munroe, Town Clerk my email: [email protected] or by calling (902)624-8327. Introducing Buttercup, the Town of Mahone Bay’s 2024 dog tag model! Buttercup wants to let you know that we now have our 2024 dog tags.
It is mandatory in Mahone Bay to register your dog each year. Registering your dog annually ensures that we have the most up-to-date information in case we ever need to get your pooch back home. Registering is quick and easy and FREE! You can stop by Town Hall, or give us a call or send an email and we can arrange to mail your tag(s). |
February 2025