![]() At the close of poll the election results are: Suzanne Lohnes-Croft 286 Bryan Palfreyman 130 Spoiled 1 ![]() The Town is recruiting volunteers to serve on our Committees of Council. Please check out the Committees page on our website to learn about the committees, see past agendas and minutes, and to find both the recent Committee Recruitment Newsletter and the committee application. Committees The November 24, 2022 Council meeting has moved to an online meeting. Please join us on the Town's YouTube channel for the livestream at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW1IRlgVqIPM-QZqe4oZHuA.
The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board has scheduled a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 to review the Town of Mahone Bay's rate increase application. To view a pdf of the notice, please visit https://www.townofmahonebay.ca/electric-utility.html.
NOTICE OF WATER MAIN FLUSHING The Water Utility will be conducting routine water main flushing throughout the Town of Mahone Bay as follows: 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM - Tuesday November 15th, 2022 & 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM - Wednesday November 16th, 2022 & 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM - Thursday November 17th, 2022 What to expect: • Reduced Water Pressure • Discoloured Water • Intermittent Service Disruption What to Do: • We recommend closing the main shut-off valve and water supply valve to hot water heaters; this will help avoid having discoloured water enter the hot water heater and help avoid having heating elements burn out. • Consider turning off booster pumps during flushing to avoid equipment damage. • Check for discoloured water prior to doing laundry or running the dishwasher. Suspended material causing the discolouration can permanently stain fabrics. To check, run a cold-water faucet, if discoloured water is present, flush your system by continuing to run a cold-water faucet until the water runs clear. The Town of Mahone Bay regrets any inconvenience created during water main flushing. Water main flushing is a semi-annual maintenance procedure used to clean our water mains. Please direct any questions or comments to the Town Office:
A mobile poll will be set up at Mahone Nursing Home, 640 Main St, Mahone Bay for residents only on Saturday, November 26, 2022 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. A polling station will be set up at the following location on the dates specified below for those qualified electors who need assistance that cannot be resolved via the HelpLine. Voting will be by INTERNET ONLY at this location.
The Town of Mahone Bay does not have polling divisions - it is one polling district. A list of streets and civic numbers in the Town of Mahone Bay is available for viewing at Town Hall, 493 Main St, Mahone Bay, NS during regular business hours Monday to Friday excluding holidays and weekends. Dated at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia this 3rd day or November, 2022. Leah Zinck, Returning Officer
Town of Mahone Bay |
February 2025