Expect traffic delays along Main Street, starting today, as repairs are made to curbs, gutters and shoulders.
The regular after hours number 902-543-3251 is working again.
Please be advised that our regular emergency services phone number is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Should a Public Works, Water or Electrical emergency occur this weekend please call 902-543-9194. We will update this notice once the regular number is back in service. Thank you. Nova Scotians can now apply for disaster financial assistance related to damage from flooding.
The program covers up to $200,000 in uninsurable losses per household, small business and not-for-profit organization. Applications are available: Online: https://beta.novascotia.ca/disaster-financial-assistance... Access Nova Scotia centres MLA offices People who are not sure if their insurance covers the damage should contact their insurance broker or company, or the Insurance Bureau of Canada at 1-844-227-5422. A special storm waste collection will take place to assist residents with property clean up.
Town of Mahone Bay: entire Town August 9th Collection Guidelines: • Maximum 4 cu yards (3 cubic metres) of material per household • Maximum weight per piece of landfill waste: 100 lbs • Maximum length per piece: 6 feet • Bag of landfill items: maximum weight 50 lbs Bundling, tying and putting small items in boxes makes it easier for the waste hauler to collect your waste. Clear, plastic bags must be used for bagged items. No black or tinted bags. No bag items that have come into contact with sewage. Storm waste must be curbside by 8:00 am on August 9. Hazardous waste including paint cans, aerosols, propane tanks and fuels cannot be collected during this pick up. These items must be taken to the Recycling Centre’s hazardous waste depot at 908 Mullock Road, Whynott’s Settlement. List of hazardous waste items accepted at the Recycling Centre: https://www.communityrecycling.ca/.../household-hazardous.... Call (902) 543-2991 or visit www.communityrecycling.ca for more information. Town of Mahone Bay will be hosting the opening for the new Seven Feathers Crosswalk on Edgewater Street. At the request of the Anglican Church, the crosswalk will be painted this week and the opening will take place at 9:00am on Thursday July 27th in front of the Anglican Church.
The crosswalk will be a solid orange with seven white feathers. The seven feathers represent seven Indigenous teachings of respect, humility, bravery, honour, love, wisdom, and truth. Kinburn Street will be closed today (except to local traffic) from the old Firehall to Spur Street so that necessary repairs can be made to the Kinburn Street bridge.
Volunteers Needed!
In the month of August, the Mahone Bay Water Utility will be conducting its annual Lead Sampling Program, testing the homes of 10 volunteers, to meet Health Canada testing requirements. Lead is not a concern with the water that comes from the water treatment plant but if you own an older home, there could be some lead in your pipes, fixtures, etc. Volunteer to have your water sampled and the test results will be shared with you. Contact [email protected] or call 902-624-8327 to sign up! A Public Hearing will be held in Council Chambers and on the Town's YouTube Channel on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 6:30pm to receive verbal and written comments from the public on the proposed draft Noise Bylaw. The draft bylaw was given first reading by Council on June 29, 2023.
The purpose of this bylaw is to control levels of noise made within the Town during specific times. If you would like to make a submission to the Public Hearing please contact Town staff at 902-624-8327 or [email protected]. The draft amended by-law can be viewed on the Town website. The by-law will be considered for second reading and adoption at the July 27, 2023 regular Council meeting which will be held at 7pm or following the Public Hearing. https://www.townofmahonebay.ca/by-laws--policies.html https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW1IRlgVqIPM-QZqe4oZHuA Please remember when sending an e-transfer payment to the Town, we need information on who is making the payment and what it is for. This information should be added to the message section when completing your transfer. Without this information we might not be able to apply your payment to your account.
February 2025