In the matter of the Municipal Government Act and the Town of Mahone Bay.
On May 14, 2024, the Council of the Town of Mahone Bay received a request to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to rezone the property located Lot 1A Main Street (PID 60658069). 1) Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to rezone PID 60658069 from Commercial Core to Residential Multi-Unit, to allow multi-unit residential development. A Public Information Meeting on this proposal will be held by staff at Mahone Bay Town Hall in Council Chambers (493 Main Street), on Thursday, May 23, 2024, beginning at 7pm. The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to provide an opportunity for any interested person to obtain information and to discuss the proposal. For further information, call 902-624-8327 or 902-275-2599. Kelly Munroe, Clerk Are you interested in our Town's heritage?
Discover how to research older buildings in Nova Scotia, learn about registering a heritage property, and determine what it means to own a heritage property. This event is hosted by the Town's Heritage Advisory Committee with a speaker from the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia. When - Tuesday, May 28th, 7pm - 8pm Where - Community Room at the Mahone Bay Fire Station, 41 Hawthorn Road. This workshop is for everyone, property owners, those who maintain heritage sites and/or anyone interested in heritage preservation. This morning Councillor Lohnes-Croft raised the Gaelic Nova Scotia flag to mark the beginning of Gaelic Awareness month. To learn more about Gaelic Awareness Month, visit
February 2025